Side Shuffle

Side Shuffle

Last time we spoke about 3 different types of Lateral Movements.  The Side shuffle, Crossover and Clear and Go. With this post I am going to break down the side shuffle and the next 2 posts will consist of the other 2 lateral Movements.   The side...
3 different ways for lateral movement

3 different ways for lateral movement

In sports it is required that athletes be able to move laterally very efficiently.  While many can, there are many who struggle to gain the most with which movement to perform.  In this video I break down 3 different types of lateral movement that is seen...
Multi-Directional Step

Multi-Directional Step

When we discuss “Game Speed” we need to make sure that we focus on training athletes to perform well in all planes of movement.  This includes making movement that is not always straight forward and back. Sometimes it requires the athlete to move in a 45 degree...


The final piece of the A.D.R. system is how to properly reaccelerate.  This step is very important to an athletes success because every athlete on the field will slow down at some point and have to then move as quickly as possible in a blink of an eye.  With...

Reposition Step

As I look back over my 15 years in training this is the one move that has gotten me in more trouble with coaches when I taught it.  The Reposition step of as most sport coach see it the “False Step” The problem is it is not a false step when taken correctly....
Deceleration Training

Deceleration Training

Coach Brix Speed Series #3 This is a topic that needs more attention when training athletes.  While acceleration is very important for athletes to become faster, this is just as important if not more.   So many athletes lack proper deceleration...