Where your pain is, it ain’t.

We all know that know that the body is all connected so when one part breaks down or becomes painful it does not mean that the problem is at the pain site.  It might be caused by something else.  Many times if it is at a joint it could be caused by the joint above or...

What are the most important muscles to workout?

       The single most important body part to work that the majority of coaches, athletes, and parents neglect in their workout.  THis body part is so important that if you neglect to work it you could be putting your body at risk for permanent problems. The area I am...

Do you Suffer from Low Back Pain?

Have you suffered with low back pain at any point in your life? This is one of the most common injuries in the U.S. with 8 out 10 people will experience some type of pain throughout their life.  Of the ones that get it treated and feel better 60-80% will have a...


Did we ever think how we as parents and coaches are destroying our kids?   I know we probably did not think we are doing it but we are.  We probably think we are doing right and that we are helping them improve and earn a scholarship to the college of their choice....
Watch what you read and post on Social Media

Watch what you read and post on Social Media

We are in a time where anyone can post just about anything on social media or any website.   The scary facts about this is that while some of the information is correct much of it is just garbage.  YOU have to do your homework to weed out the garbage from the facts....