Getting mind and body to react quicker 

Getting mind and body to react quicker  As a coach who is always looking to give my athletes the best training, i am always looking for ways to combine the mind and body as one.  Too many people seperate the two when it comes to there training.  For me, I do...


As I watch more and more athlete train and practice on teams at a younger age.   I wondered what happened to just going outside and running around.  It seems to me like “Free Play” is gone and all we are left with is structured activities.  Watch the short...
Check Your Ego at the Door

Check Your Ego at the Door

One of the things that stops coaches and athletes from reaching the level of success that they have inside them is their EGO.   They are not willing to seek help or advice from others because they think they know it all.  Watch this short video on why you need to...

What type of workout training system is the best?

There are many types of workout training style being used today. The big one right now that everyone has a kick on is the Cross Fit style. About 15 years ago it was Tae Bo and you could probably think of others. There are so many types of training styles and some of...