Everyone who wants to accomplish something greats needs to set goals. Goals are an essential part of becoming great. If you do not set goals for yourself you are almost certain to never reach them. You need to have the goals written so that you are able to make yourself accountable for keeping them. This especially goes for athletes who want to play at the next level. Set a goal that is attainable. For example: I want to bench 10 more pounds in 3 weeks. This is a pretty good example I have a goal and I have have a time table for that goal. The time slot is almost as important as the goal. You need to set a deadline for each task to reach that goal. So if my goal is to increase my bench by 10 lbs in 3 weeks, what should my 1 week goal be? You want to have that main goal then work back from it. This can apply to anything in life. It does not have to just do with athletics. If you want to accomplish something great then start getting your goals in place and watch the difference.
Grab this great resource on helping kids improve their acceleration, deceleration and re-acceleration. This Special Report “Run Like Barry” is available for FREE just go here to download your copy www.coachbrix.com Also June 25th come and get certified as an agility specialist. Go here to learn more. http://speedandagilityinstitute.com/earn-the-credential/
P.S. Also be on the lookout for Coach Brix’s new program how to dominate the 40 yard dash. Coming this summer!