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Lindsay had a difficult decision to make her 11th grade year.  Should she continue the sport (soccer) that she has played her whole life or should she play the sport she picked up just a year earlier (field hockey).  

Lindsay choose the later and she has worked her tail off to be one of the top goalies in all of Division 2 with save percentage and saves.  Her work ethic comes from a desire of being the best she possible can.  

She takes 6 classes a seminar because not only does she have her major classes, but she also has a minor as well.  How she handles playing sports and school is she is organized.  That is one of the things she preaches is that you need to be organized to achieve success in life.  

Her advice to kids or anyone out there is just try it.  DO not be afraid.  

Lindsay is the Field Hockey goalie for the Bloomsburg Huskies.  



Check out this episode!