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Tom Russell a Radio and T.V. Personality has been on the air waves for many years.  While breaking into the radio business something many people do not know is Tom was working towards becoming a body builder.  

During his senior year of college Tom competed for the Mr. Dayton which is a body building competition in Dayton Ohio where he placed 3rd.  Tom speaks to us about his diet and what lifting weights and working out was like back in the 80’s.  

Tom also speaks about being a radio jockey in different parts of the US and Caribbean.  He also worked with a very famous radio talk show host who has since gone on to become a pretty house hold name in the radio business.

Tom also discuss some of the difficulties facing the youth of today and how “Social Media” has made us worst communicators.  

Tom’s quote that he remembers most and keeps him driving forward today is by his high school football coach.  “Only if I”   Make sure you listen to the whole podcast to hear what this means.  

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“Greatness Never Rests”


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