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Coach Taft is one of the most if not the most influential coaches on proper speed development.  His knowledge and teaching on speed has helped me and many others create a better product for our athletes.  

Coach Taft does an unbelievable job of helping coaches understand the Natural movement of an athletes and how important it is in today’s game, Coach Taft does the best job of getting you to understand that. Once you understand the Natural movement he does a great job of explaining how to then coach the athlete to improve that movement through specific drills and exercises.   

Coach Taft is also the author and developer of many great products which I highly recommend including his Groundbreaking Athletic Movement DVD and his newly released Complete Speed Training system. You can find out more about Coach Taft here Shop 

Get ready to take Note on this podcast a must for anyone coaching athletes.  

Coach Taft website www.leetaft.com  


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