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Sam Nott, passion for understanding the human psyche and why we do what we do comes NOT from my successes. My passion comes from my failure to take control of my own mind and emotions. From getting out of my own way after being stuck in a victim mentality, to depression, anxiety, and much more. I’ve been obsessed learning how our incredible minds operate and function for 10+ years…
WHAT I DO: The biggest obstacle athletes is not what to do physically…the biggest obstacle is what they do with their mind…and what they do consistently! I help athletes transform into the player they always knew they could be.
HOW I DO IT: I provide one-on-one coaching, speaking engagements, group coaching, online training, and online content.
WHO I WORK WITH: Athletic departments, coaches, professional and collegiate athletes, and teams.
Book: The Mental Conditioning Playbook For Athletes
Check out the REAL MAN: https://realmanseries.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn8m52_BDR0l0Zwv0pHrl-A