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John was a basketball player who tore his ACL the fall of his senior year of high school.  He attended the Cederville University as a basketball coach intern working his way up to assistant coach.  His passion is studying the game and helping players get better not only with the physical part of the game but the mental.  His style of teaching is different than most trainers in that he gets his athletes in game like situation not just repetitive shooting, dribbling, passing drills.  

He hammers home skill with technique and when he is teaching you he wants you to read the situation, prepare for the skill and execute the technique.  

He loves learning from great in different sports such as Pete Carroll (Seattle Seahawks), John Wooden (UCLA Bruins).  

He motivation is for all people he comes in contact with and that is to be a “model for the right way to live”


You can contact John 

Twitter John_Lenzo_basketball

Youtube Johnleonzobasketball


Check out this episode!