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Jaimie Thomas is a unique story when it comes to the NFL.  He did not play football till his 10th grade year of high school and quickly become a top level recruit by his senior year.  He was recruited by Notre Dame, Tennesse, Penn State, Maryland and many more.

He choose the University of Maryland over the other schools and one of the main reason was the family atomsphere on his recruiting trip.  He also liked the idea of mandatory study hall for all Freshman athletes.  

Upon finishlng Maryland University Jaimie was choosen in the 6th round by the Indianapolis Colts where he played two year before suffereing a neck injury that has held him out of football for the past few years. 

Jaimie has advice for all high school athletes out there going through the recruiting process and choosing a school.  He says “Don’t allow the recruiting process to consue you, enjoy it”

One of Jaimie’s quotes or says that he follows is ” Time you are not making yourself better some else is”  

Listen to Jaimie Story and hear how he never allows “Greatness to Rests”




Check out this episode!