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Joe Cleezy is the publisher of the PA Preps.com on the Rivals.com Network.  He played Division II football at Millersville University.

After College Joe wanted to help kids go to college and gain exposure.  One way for him to do that was to make highlight tapes for the kids and also write articles about them on the local news website.  While both ways are not as common for kids to do anymore Joe passion for helping kids excel and market themselves is in full swing.

He focuses most of his attention on writing for Rivals.com and running high school showcases for the athletes.  Two of his showcases will be coming up March 8th and April 18th and he plans to run a 7 on 7 tournament for youth this summer.

Joe also wants the kids to understand that they must be proactive if they are going to get themselves seen by college coaches.  That means do not wait for your high school coach to contact coaches for you or do your highlight tape.  You are in charge of yourself and you need to do everything possible to get recruit.   That also means fill out Prospect Questionnaires and get to has many summer college camps and showcases as possble.  

To contact Joe email: rivalspa@gmail.com

or follow Joe on Twitter: Edobrienrivals

“Greatness Never Rests” 



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