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Alan Stein is the owner of Stronger Team and the strength & conditioning coach for the nationally renowned, Nike elite DeMatha Catholic High School basketball program. Alan brings a wealth of valuable experience to his training arsenal from over a decade of extensive work with elite high school, college, and NBA players.
Alan’s passion, enthusiasm, and innovative training techniques make him one of the world’s leading experts on productive training for basketball players. He is a performance consultant for Nike Basketball as well as the head conditioning coach for the annual Jordan Brand Classic, the CP3 Elite Guard Camp and the Nike Basketball Summer Skills Academies. Alan is a former camp coach at the prestigious NBA Players Association’s Top 100 Camp as well as the former strength & conditioning coach for the McDonald’s All-American game.
Alan is the founder of the Stronger Team Nation, Stronger Team Huddle and Cutting Edge Clinic Tour.
Alan lives outside of Washington D.C. and is the proud father of Luke, Jack (aka The Born Backcourt) and Lyla.
You can follow Alan on Twitter at @AlanStein
Twitter: @Hardwood_Hustle